1. UrgoStart® for treating leg ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers, https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/mtg42, January 2019.
2. Rayman G, Vas P, Dhatariya K, Driver V, Hartemann A, Londahl M, Piaggesi A, Apelqvist J, Attinger C, Game F; International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF). Guidelines on use of interventions to enhance healing of chronic foot ulcers in diabetes (IWGDF 2019 update). Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2020 Mar;36 Suppl 1:e3283. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3283
3. Dissemond J, Augustin M, Dietlein M, Faust U, Keuthage W, Lobmann R, Münter KC, Strohal R, Stücker M, Traber J, Vanscheidt W, Läuchli S. Efficacy of MMP-inhibiting wound dressings in the treatment of chronic wounds: a systematic review. J Wound Care 2020 ; 29(2): 102-118.
4. Nair H, Galea E, Deng W, Uthaipaisanwong A, Venkateshwaran N, Selva Seetha Raman S. Benefits of sucrose octasulfate (TLC-NOSF) dressings in the treatment of chronic wounds: A systematic review. Journal of Wound Care 2021; 30 (Suppl.4): S42-S52. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2021.30.Sup4.S42
5. Vas P, Rayman G, Dhatariya K, Driver V, Hartemann A, Londahl M, Piaggesi A, Apelqvist J, Attinger C, Game F.Vas P, et al. Effectiveness of interventions to enhance healing of chronic foot ulcers in diabetes: a systematic review. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2020 Mar;36 Suppl 1:e3284. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3284
6. Meaume S, Truchetet F, Cambazard F et al. A randomized, controlled, double-blind prospective trial with a Lipido-Colloid Technology-Nano-oligosaccharide Factor wound dressing in the local management of venous leg ulcers. Wound Repair Regen 2012; 20: 4: 500-511. doi: 10.1111/j.1524-475X.2012.00797.x [Study conducted with Urgostart]
7. Meaume S, Dompmartin A, Lazareth I, Sigal M, Truchetet F, Sauvadet A, Bohbot S. Quality of life in patients with leg ulcers: results from CHALLENGE, a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of Wound Care 2017; 26 (7): 368-379. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2017.26.7.368 [Study conducted with Urgostart]
8. Schmutz J.-L., Meaume S, Fays S, Ourabah Z, Guillot B, Thirion V, Collier M, Barrett S, Smith J, Bohbot S, Dompmartin A et al. Evaluation of the nano-oligosaccharide factor lopido-colloid matrix in the local management of venous leg ulcers: results of a randomised, controlled trial. International Wound Journal 2008; 5(2): 172-182. [Study conducted with Urgostart contact]
9. Edmonds M, Lázaro-Martínez JL, Alfayate-García JM, Martini J, Petit JM, Rayman G, Lobmann R, Uccioli L, Sauvadet A, Bohbot S, Kerihuel JC, Piaggesi A. Sucrose octasulfate dressing versus control dressing in patients with neuroischaemic diabetic foot ulcers (Explorer): an international, multicentre, double-blind, randomised, controlled trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2018 Mar;6(3):186-196. [Study conducted with Urgostart contact]
10. Lázaro-Martínez JL, Edmonds M, Rayman G, Apelqvist J, Van Acker K, Hartemann A, Martini J, Lobmann R, Bohbot S, Kerihuel JC, Piaggesi A. Optimal wound closure of diabetic foot ulcers with early initiation of TLC-NOSF treatment: post-hoc analysis of Explorer. J Wound Care 2019; 28(6): 358-367. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2019.28.6.358. PMID: 31166858. [Study conducted with Urgostart contact]
11. Augustin M, Herberger K, Kroeger K, Muenter KC, Goepel L, Rychlik R. Cost-effectiveness of treating vascular leg ulcers with UrgoStart(®) and UrgoCell(®) Contact. Int Wound J. 2016 Feb;13(1):82-7. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12238. Epub 2014 Feb 21. PMID: 24618370. [Study conducted with Urgostart]
12. Arroyo Ana A, Alvarez Vázquez JC, Blasco García C, Bermejo Martínez M, López Casanova P, Cuesta Cuesta JJ, De Haro Fernández F, Mateo Marín E, Segovia Gómez T, Villar Rojas AE. Coste-Efectividad de un apósito de espuma de poliuretano con TLC-NOSF [Cost-effectiveness of a TLC-NOSF polyurethane foam dressing]. Rev Enferm. 2012; 35(11): 27-32. Spanish. PMID: 23330329 [Study conducted with Urgostart]
13. Lobmann R, Augustin M, Lawall H, Tigges W, Potempa C, Thiem H, Fietz C, Rychlik RP. Cost-effectiveness of TLC-sucrose octasulfate versus control dressings in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. J Wound Care 2019; 28(12): 808-816. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2019.28.12.808. [Study conducted with Urgostart contact]
14. Lobmann R, Grünerbel A, Lawall H, Lüdemann C, Morbach S, Tigges W, Völkel L, Rychlik RP. Impact of wound duration on diabetic foot ulcer healing: evaluation of a new sucrose octasulfate wound dressing. J Wound Care 2020; 29(10): 543-551. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2020.29.10.543. PMID: 33052796. [Study conducted with Urgostart contact]
15. Maunoury F, Oury A, Fortin S, Thomassin L, Bohbot S; Explorer Study. Cost-effectiveness of TLC-NOSF dressings versus neutral dressings for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers in France. PLoS One 2021; 16(1): e0245652. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245652 [Study conducted with Urgostart contact]
16. Chang L, Suang S, Libo T. Health economics evaluation of technology lipido-colloid with nano-oligo saccharide factor dressing versus non nano-oligo saccharide factor advance d wound care dressing in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer. Chinese journal of diabetes mellitus 2021; DOI 10.3760/cma.j.cn115791 21210318 00165 [Study conducted with Urgostart contact]
17. Wen J, Jin X, Al Sayah F, Johnson JA, Paulden M, Ohinmaa A, Economic Evaluation of Sucrose Octasulfate Dressing for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers for Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Canadian Journal of Diabetes (2021), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcjd.2021.07.001. [Study conducted with Urgostart contact]
18. Sigal ML, Addala A, Maillard H, Chahim M, Sala F, Blaise S, Dalac S, Meaume S, Bohbot S, Tumba C, Tacca O. Clinical evaluation of a new TLC-NOSF dressing with poly-absorbent fibers for the local management of exuding leg ulcers, at the different stages of the healing process: Results from two multicentric, single-arm, prospective, open-label clinical trials. J Wound Care 2019: 28(3) :164-175. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2019.28.3.164 [Study conducted with Urgostart Plus pad]
19. Leger P. Vin F, Paradis H, Tacca O, Bohbot S. Management of venous leg ulcers with a lipidocolloid matrix impregnated with NOSF (Nano-Oligosaccharide Factor): Results of a clinical study. EWMA, May 2010, Geneva, Switzerland. [Study conducted with Urgostart]
20. Conde-Montero E, Bohbot S, Grado Sanz R, Peral Vázquez A, Recarte-Marín L, Pérez-Jerónimo L, Galán Sánchez JL, de la Cueva Dobao P. Association of autologous punch grafting, TLC-NOSF dressing and multitype compression therapy to rapidly achieve wound closure in hard-to-heal venous leg ulcers. J Med Vasc.2020; 45(6): 316-325. doi: 10.1016/j.jdmv.2020.10.123 [Study conducted with Urgostart contact]
21. Richard JL, Martini J, Bonello Faraill MM, M’Bemba J, Lepeut M, Truchetet F, Ehrler S, Schuldiner S, Sauvadet A, Bohbot S. Management of diabetic foot ulcers with a TLC-NOSF wound dressing. Journal of Wound Care 2012; 21(3): 142-147. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2012.21.3.142 [Study conducted with Urgostart contact]
22. Münter KC, Meaume S, Augustin M, Senet P, Kérihuel JC. The reality of routine practice: a pooled data analysis on chronic wounds treated with TLC-NOSF wound dressings. J Wound Care 2017; 26(Sup2): S4-S15. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2017.26.Sup2.S4 [Study conducted with Urgostart contact, Urgostart or Cellostart]
23. Dissemond J, Lützkendorf S, Dietlein M, Neßeler I, Becker E, Möller U, Thomassin L, Bohbot S, Münter KC. Clinical evaluation of polyabsorbent TLC-NOSF dressings on chronic wounds: a prospective, observational, multicentre study of 1140 patients. J Wound Care 2020; 29 (6): 350-361. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2020.29.6.350 [Study conducted with Urgostart Plus pad and Urgostart Plus Border]
24. Augustin M, Keuthage W, Lobmann R, Lützkendorf S, Groth H, Möller U, Thomassin L, Bohbot S, Dissemond J, Blome C. Clinical evaluation of UrgoStart Plus dressings in real-life conditions: results of a prospective multicentre study on 961 patients. J Wound Care. 2021 Dec 2;30(12):966-978. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2021.30.12.966. PMID: 34881999. [Study conducted with Urgostart Plus pad, Urgostart Plus NA and Urgostart Plus Border]
25. Allaert FA. Etude observationnelle de la Synergie d’Action Séquentielle d’un pansement TLC-Ag puis TLC-NOSF sur la cicatrisation (Enquête SAS) [Observational study on the efficacy of TLC-Ag and TLC-NOSF on chronic wounds]. Soins 2014; 785:15-8. French. PMID: 24941523 [Study conducted with Urgostart]
26. Dowsett C, Nichols J. 3D: A New Educational Framework to Improve Care for Patients with Leg Ulcers. Wounds UK 2021; 17(1): 66-72.
27. Murray S, Norrie L. Reducing variation in care: Implementation of a leg ulcer pathway including treatment with UrgoStart Plus and UrgoKTwo compression system. Wounds UK 2020; 16 (1): 106-123.
28. Milne J, Nichols J. Optimising resources: an evidence-based pathway using UrgoStart for community-based patients with wounds. Br J Community Nurs. 2021 Mar 2;26(3):130-135. doi: 10.12968/bjcn.2021.26.3.130. PMID: 3371
29. UrgoStart Plus in Real Life. Wounds UK Suppl. 26 Oct 2020. https://www.wounds-uk.com/resources/details/urgostart-plus-real-life (open access)
30. Tickle J. NICE guidance in real life:Implementation of an evidence-based care pathway within a new wound healing clinic. Wounds UK 2021; 17(3): 72-79
31. Scarpa C, Vindigni V, Basseto F. The TLC-NOSF for the treatment of ulceration in rheumatic disease. A case report. Ann Ital Chir; 2020 9- Oct 14. Pii. S2239253X20032934 Online Epub. PMID: 33085653
32. Hinojosa Caballero D, Torres Subires A, Álvarez Rodríguez LR, Garrigós Sancristóbal X, Pol Reyes MA, Espejo Arenas E, Viturtia González M, Delgado Ballesteros S, Sans Masip C, Pascual-Malo I, Zaguirre Medina M, Cuenda Macías M. Casos clinicos tratados con La tecnologia lipido coloidal (TLC) [CLINICAL CASES-TREATED WITH TECHNOLOGY LIPID COLLOIDAL (TLC)]. Rev Enferm. 2016 Apr;39(4):8-16. Spanish. PMID: 27349057.
33. Blasco García C, Segovia Gómez T, Bermejo Martínez M, Cuesta Cuesta JJ, Alventosa Cortés AM. Casos clínicos sobre el uso terapéutico en heridas crónicas de: Apósitos desbridantes de fibras hidrodetersivas de poliacrilato con TLC. Apósitos de espuma de poliuretano con TLC-NOSF [Clinical cases about the therapeutic use of debriding dressing hidrodetersive polyacrylate fibers with TLC and foam dressings TLC-NOSF polyurethane in chronic wounds]. Rev Enferm 2012; 35(10): 9-14. Spanish. PMID: 23157065
34. Costumero Garcia M , Cobo Mena A, De la Cruz Tomé D, Alvarez Madronal R, Fernandez Morata J, et al. Chronicle of wounds during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic. ROL 2021; 44(10: 648-660)
35. Lázaro-Martínez JL, García-Álvarez Y, García-Morales E. Aplicación de la evidencia en la práctica clínica del tratamiento de las úlceras de pie diabético mediante apósitos de octosulfato de sacarosa. Rev ROL Enferm 2019; 42(9): 568-575.
36. Santos PMD, Pereira Menezes CM, Gageiro Carvalho PSA, Andrade Almeida MRR (2021) The role of matrix metalloproteinases in diabetic wound healing: a case study The Diabetic Foot Journal 24(3): 52–6
37. Long Z, Jun W, Shijun Z, Dong J, Xinzhao F, Galea E. Diabetic foot ulcer management with TLC-NOSF (Technology Lipido-colloid Nano-oligosaccharide Factor) wound dressings. Wounds International 2021; 12(4): 54-61
38. Mai TT, & Trần QN. Tính hiệu quả và an toàn của gạc sucrose octasulfate trên vết loét bàn chân đái tháo đường: kết quả từ một nghiên cứu quan sát, nhãn mở, đa trung tâm tại Việt Nam. (Nội tiết và Đái tháo đường) Vietnam Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology 2021; 45: 38-44. https://doi.org/10.47122/vjde.2020.45.6
39. Galea E and Khatib M. Addressing wound chronicity factors: UrgoClean Ag® and UrgoStart® case studies. Wounds Middle East. 2020; 7 (1): 25-29
40. Internal Report. Laboratoires URGO. 2021
41. Ousey K, Atkin L, Conway B et al (2021) Wound care and dressing selection for pharmacy teams. London: Wounds UK. Available to download from: www.wounds-uk.com
42. Mullings J. Embedding National Institute For Health and Care Excellence guidance into a leg ulcer pathway. Community Wound Care 2019; 24(S9): S6-S11. doi: 10.12968/bjcn.2019.24.Sup9.S6
43. Meloni M, Bouillet B, Ahluwalia R, Lüdemann C, Sánchez-Ríos JP, Iacopi E, Lazaro-Martinez JL. Fast-track pathway for diabetic foot ulceration during COVID-19 crisis: A document from International Diabetic Foot Care Group and D-Foot International. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2020 Aug 17:e3396. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3396. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32804425
44. Bullen B, Cowden J, Shorney R. Optimising care for patients with diabetic foot ulcers : overcoming the barriers. The Diabetic Foot Journal . 2020. 23(1): 56–60
45. Dissemond, J., Augustin, M., Dietlein, M. et al. Sucrose Octasulfat – Evidenz in der Behandlung chronischer Wunden. Hautarzt (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00105-020-04637-9
46. Lobmann R. ZeitgemäßeWundversorgung beim diabetischen Fußsyndrom Update zu Strukturen und Prozeduren. Diabetologe 2020; 16:329–338 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11428-020-00636-5
47. Caizhe Y, Ying C. Use of interventions to enhance healing of chronic foot ulcers in diabetes: the update interpretation of 2019 International Working Group on the diabetic foot guideline. Chin J Diabetes Mellitus; September 2020; 12 (9): 677-684 [In Chinese]
48. Sagüez FS, Gallardo RC, Pozo AP. Uso de apósitos con TLC-NOSF en el manejo de la úlcera de pie diabético, basado en la revisión de la evidencia y la práctica clínica. J Wound Care. 2020 Nov 1;29(LatAm sup 3):31-36. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2020.29 [In Spanish]
49. 2020 Guidelines on the management of diabetic patients. A position of Diabetes Poland. Clin Diabetol 2020; 9, 1. doi: 10.5603/DK.2020.0001. [In Polish]
50. Mrozikiewicz-Rakowska B, Kucharzewski M, Jawień A, Sopata M, Bartoszewicz M, Szewczyk MT, Banasiewicz T, Borys S, Malka M, Korzon-Burakowska A, Lipiński P, Węgrzynowski A, Stępień A, Głażewski T. [Position of the expert group regarding UrgoStart dressings with LipidoColloidal Technology containing nano-oligosaccahride factor (TLC-NOSF)] Stanowisko Grupy Ekspertów dotyczące opatrunków UrgoStart, wykonanych w technologii lipidokoloidowej zawierającej cząsteczki nanooligosacharydów (TLC-NOSF). Leczenie Ran 2018; 15(4):173-179 [Czech]
51. Lázaro Martínez JL, Almaraz M, Álvarez Hermida A, Blanes Mompó I, Escudero Rodríguez JR, García Morales EA, March García JR, Rivera San Martín R,Rodríguez Sáenz de Buruaga V, Rosendo Fernández JM, Rubio García JA, Mauricio D. Documento de consenso sobre acciones de mejora en la prevención y manejo del pie diabético en España. Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición 2021; 68 (7): 509-513
52. Binder B, Dissemond J, Hämmerle G, Hintner M, Koller S, Kurz P, Pötscher A, Strohal R. Leitfaden zur Behandlung chronischer Wunden mit polyabsorbierenden TLC-Sucrose Octasulfat-Wundauflagen Guideline for the treatment of chronic wounds with polyabsorbent TLC-Sucrose Octasulfate wound dressings WUNDmanagement 2021; 15(4):181 – 190.
53. Bowen G, Tickle J, Dickie T, Edmonds M, Fox M, Russel D, Goodeve M, Welch D. Best Practice Statement: Care of the person with diabetes and lower limb ulcers. Wounds UK 2021. Wounds UK, London. Available to download from: www.wounds-uk.com