URGO Medical is proud to announce that its “Tissue Viability & Wound Care Practice” education program has been re-endorsed by the Australian College of Nursing through until 2024.
This Training and Workshop is endorsed by ACN according to the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Endorsed Course Standards. It has been allocated 14CPD hours according to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia – Continuing Professional Development Standard.
Tissue Viability is explained as preventing insults to the skin and underlying tissues and facilitating healing in wounds where a complication has prevented the normal healing process. It is an umbrella term, which, when used correctly, refers to the prevention and management of tissue damage which may include both acute and chronic wounds, and the provision of the appropriate environment for healing by both direct and indirect methods together with the prevention of skin breakdown.
This 2-day program is intended as a platform where basic to intermediate training is provided for those health care practitioners who are interested in acquiring further knowledge in the area of wound management. Eight modules introduce the participant to the fundamentals of the Integumentary System, the causes and assessment of wounds, how wounds heal and the holistic treatment of alternative wound healing etiologies using an evidence based approach. The aim of the program is to enhance clinicians practice when dealing with management of and prevention of tissue complications. The workshop includes didactic information via PowerPoint, interactive sessions in the form of group activities, knowledge checks and scenarios or case studies, plus hands-on learning (where applicable).
The URGO Education & Training Alliance has been established with the sole purpose of providing unbiased evidence based education to clinicians. The Chairman and main educational sessions facilitator, Emilio Galea, has a long history in the field of wound management and tissue viability with local individual facilitators Cassandra Hough and Tanya O’Hara – both clinical specialists with URGO Medical Australia.
For a more detailed outline of the modules please do not hesitate to discuss with your local URGO representative. This may be an opportunity to support ongoing education and development of up and coming wound care nurses, assist with the development of wound care champions or up skill team members. The facilitators can also tailor the program to meet the needs of your team with days and times negotiable.
For more information please contact us or email: enquiries@au.urgo.com